2006 |
March 15, 2006. Wednsday. Where there's a will, theres's a way. ![]() Path throgh the darkness. January, 14. 2006 This morning I woke up late and I couldn't eat breakfast. Though I usualy buy some bread or rice ball at convinience store for my lunch, I was very hungry and went to italian restaulant near by today. I ate pasta with potato and salted cod roe. It was very tasty and I will try to cook it someday. After lunch I had finished reading a Sidney Sheldon's novel "Tell me your dream" written in English. This novel draws three women's misterious life. They are involved serial murder and then.... It was pretty good and please read it by yourself!! His novels are easy to read because he use a few difficult words. So they're good for us studying English. About 3 P.M., we received batch modules to be tested from offshore team in China. So I managed to be able to start working. In the bigining, I had to make (compile and link) them to the executable file, and there was no enviroment for it. So in the bigining of bigining, I had to install Oracle client, Visual Stuio and so on. And the server was great! Operating System of the server was Windows Server 2003, and the CPU was Celeron 600MHz!! Don't you know how heavy it was? Please imagin Konishiki is on rear sheat of your bicycle.... Today I was invited to "Motenashikai" which is a kind of home party hosted by the some employee of my customer's office. It was pretty fun. They were like a family and I felt good points of small office. After the party, I went home by the last train with K who is Chinease. He was very inteligent enough to enjoy me with conversation in Japanese which is not his native language. I thought that most important thing in conversation is not fluency but contents. He teachs Chainese language for other employee every Monday and I hope join it if I could! (Today's title is a quotation from slogan of a company.) Copyright 2006 barista. All rights reserved. |