Headline About Diary BBS
This is the リトライエラー th howdy!
Profile page was updated.August 9, 2006
As a memento to establish a new record at 123th TOEIC test, I updated profile page. And then I created a new Page "Self portraits" to hold my old portraits.
Barista's profile page was disclosed.May 25, 2006
I disclosed my biodata summary. I will update the data and the self portrait frequently.
About page was disclosed.May 17, 2006
About this site, for example the meaning of the site's name, the purpose of this site and so on were explaind. If you had other questions, please ask me on the BBS and I will add the answer into this page.
Background image was chanaged.May 6, 2006
Beacause old background image was very cheap, I created a new background image from a photo of coffee cup which was served at the mariage party.
Konditorei Kongarily was disclosed!May 1, 2006
My new web site 'Konditorei Kongarily' was disclosed. Now main contents in this site is diary.This site is written in English as a training for TOEIC. Hearafter I will add new contents about software, art and so on.
BBS is established.April 24, 2006
I finished to create BBS cgi script thogh it's a refine version from Japanese site's BBS. I use icon images from other site and I will introduce the sites when I create link page.
Title image was created.April 23, 2006
The title image on the top of these pages was created. I created it from a picture of the desert dish at the bridal party on April 1, 2006.
Design for diary page was fixed. April 23, 2006
After my long consideration, I made the page width narrow fixed for SVGA display. Disign for the left menu is temporal one. It will became inconvinient with log growthing, so I may re-construct it someday.